Thursday, June 4, 2009

Point(s) of Order

As some of my more astute readers have noticed, the post-finals content of this blog have been somewhat lacking. This is, of course, due to my laziness and not, in any way, related to the large amount of writing I had to do up until the end of the semester, the four-day trip to Columbus, OH that took place over the following weekend, or the 9- to 12-hour workdays that I am now enjoying.

Right now, I'm trying to work out a schedule that will keep me writing regularly and yet not force me to come up with content just for its own sake. To this end, I think I'm going to be imposing a twice, possibly thrice, weekly posting schedule. The days that I hope to come out with posts will probably be Sunday, Wednesday and (maybe) Fridays. This way, I can keep the Wikipedia Wednesdays going and have all weekend to think of something original and enlightening to say, rather than just copying my content from the backs of cereal boxes. If this goes well and doesn't seem like too much work, I'll start adding days to the schedule.

A Glimpse in the Future: As a means of atonement (or scapegoating) the next few posts will probably deal with the reasons I've been so busy the last few weeks. Therefore, look out for posts on subjects such as the UPA (Ultimate Players Association) College Nationals (which I attended), My New Job with a Moving Company, and The Topics of My Final Papers.

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